#46: Discovering Purpose

Happy Monday! ☀️

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less.

Living a life with purpose is the most powerful gift you can give to yourself. Unfortunately, the concept of finding one's purpose can be confusing, leading many to abandon it and default to a life of convenience. This week, we'll unlearn common beliefs about "finding" our purpose and explore simple ways to realign with our authentic selves.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • ✨ Quote of the Week: What if you could find your purpose without leaving your house?

  • 🧍🏽‍♀️Self-Empowerment: You might think you know yourself, but… do you?

  • 🤖 Tip of the Week: Should you focus on your strengths or your weaknesses? Follow this simple rule!

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): One city’s major sustainability win, revolutionary music therapy performs miracles and the new super tutor you can afford.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


In its infancy, this tree in Tanzania sought to absorb as much sunlight to become taller and stronger. But as it matured, it began to provide shade and shelter for animals passing by. Similarly, your purpose evolves. It will take on many forms, but it will always align with your true nature.

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"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman

Our culture is enamored with the concept of “finding” one's purpose. This narrative is often romanticized as a life-long quest, requiring us to go to the ends of the earth to find our calling.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with exploring and trying new things. But when it comes to discovering our purpose, throwing ourselves into a bunch of projects and hoping something sticks is putting the cart before the horse.

Purpose is "found" within.

Aligning with our purpose (instead of chasing it outside of ourselves) means going inward and gravitating toward what naturally lights us up.

We tap into an energized and inspired state that already exists. We develop a deeper intimacy with the self, and this process of self-discovery reveals our path.

When we are fully aligned with who we are, we are the most capable of expressing ourselves, sharing joy, and serving others.

Engaging with the world from this place of greater alignment (and higher consciousness) is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and the world.

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There is no better investment than knowing yourself on a deeper level. This process goes further than thinking about how we normally describe ourselves to people, like what we do for a living, our age, or our relationships.

Here are 3 revelatory ways we can start peeling back the surface layers and get deeply aligned with our authentic selves.

Identify the patterns of what we are passionate about from the actions we take, not just the intentions we set. 

It's easy to get lost in our thoughts and plans, but true passion is reflected in the actions we actually take.

One way is looking at your personal money trail: Your credit card statements show what you value. Reflect on your motives: Is this purchase rooted in insecurity, or does the purchase intrinsically align with what you find meaningful?

What types of movies and TV shows do you gravitate toward? What books do you have a hard time putting down? Use these to spot the themes and patterns that naturally capture your attention.

For example, speaker & podcaster Jay Shetty talks about his love for Christopher Nolan movies because he is captivated by masterful storytelling and characters who experience transformational growth.

With everything you enjoy, there's something underneath that's effortlessly pulling your curiosity. Don't be afraid to ask yourself why!

Consider how it feels in your body. 

When you try to analyze something, that’s when you start hearing the voices of others: “What will my family and friends think?” "Is this acceptable?"

Instead, listen to your body. Did you naturally smile when thinking about doing something? Do you feel a rush of energy? Use these body signals as cues.

Focus on your natural strengths, and nurture them. 

If you're not sure what they are, reflect on this: What do you love to learn, and what do you love to teach? Even if you’re not a teacher, there’s a part in all of us that likes to share knowledge or advice with others.

Also, try this hypothetical scenario on for size: If a stranger came up to you and said they'd invest 100 hours into something you’re good at (e.g., voice lessons, consulting, coding, fitness, etc), what area of interest or skill would that be?


Play the role of (detached) observer. Consider where your attention (or money!) naturally goes. Tune into what your body’s saying, and explore your intrinsic strengths.


In the section above, we suggest focusing on your strengths. You may wonder: “Focus on my strengths? Shouldn't I also be working on my weaknesses?” Our answer: Yes and no.

When it comes to hard skills (things like: math, speaking, writing, analytics, coding, etc), it helps to focus on your strengths and refine them. This is your zone of genius.

Our soft skills are where we want to concentrate on our weaknesses. Skills such as empathy, time management, depth, collaboration, adaptability, and presence. These attributes define your zone of growth.

When you do both, you'll achieve more impact than you ever thought possible.


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


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Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team