#83: Redefining Consistency

Happy Monday! ☀️

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less. This week, we’ll redefine consistency to include enough flexibility to unlock transformative change with much less effort.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • ⚖️ Mantra Breakdown: Your success hangs in the balance of these two forces.

  • ☀️ Life Enrichment: If you can’t seem to make a habit stick, make it easier with one of these mindset shifts.

  • ✅ Momentum Tip of the Week: Don’t underestimate the power of seeing something front & center.

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): Ireland breezes ahead with wind power, new species emerge from the depths of Costa Rica, and a neurosurgeon pioneers groundbreaking ultrasound treatments for the brain.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


Take a deep inhale followed by a slower exhale.

Watch the shimmering water cascade down the rocky cliff. The water gracefully adapts to the grooves of the stones.

No resistance, just fluidity allowing it to flow through any obstacle. Take this week to be steadfast in your direction, but flexible in your approach.

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Be consistent. Stay flexible.

True transformation hangs in the balance of two forces: a firm commitment to taking action, and a willingness to be flexible in how you act.

The desire to take action consistently is propelled by a deep and clear grasp of the intention: “Why is this important to me, really?”

The deeper we dig into this understanding, the more energized our intention becomes.

Flexibility, on the other hand, is the secret ingredient to unlocking ease.

The more adaptable we are in our approach (and mindset), the less resistance we face when we do it or even think about doing it.

Consistency and flexibility do not just coexist. They work in perfect concert to drive you forward in whatever direction you desire.


"Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it."
– Lao Tzu

"Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach."
– Tony Robbins

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
– Robert Collier


Thanks to evolution, all-or-nothing thinking is programmed into most of us.

In today's world though, this default "all-or-nothing" mindset isn't nearly as helpful, especially in transitional periods where we're shifting our thoughts and behavior into more conscious, newfound habits.

Here are 4 principles that will help us change our approach, so we create and sustain long-lasting habits with way less effort:

Plan for disruption. 

Meetings run over. A new assignment pops up. It doesn’t take much for our agenda to change.

For anything new, create a plan B for the habit you’re trying to implement. When you plan for an alternative option, you won’t feel as “off-course” when something unexpected comes up.

When creating your Plan B, choose a time you're usually free: “If there's an emergency at work and I can’t go on my run, I will do my morning run on Saturday."

Adopt mindful time-blocking. 

When we time-block every hour of every day, we not only create unnecessary rigidity with our schedule, but we're telling ourselves that everything's important. This scatters our focus and energy and makes us (way) less effective.

Focus on integrating 1-2 important habits a week and prioritizing them on the calendar.

Expand your definition of what "counts." 

Although we want to remain protective of our time blocks from the obvious distractions (social media, busy work, etc), we also don't want to hold our plans too firmly.

If something important comes up, and you only have 30 minutes to write instead of an hour, write for those 30 minutes! Congratulate yourself for your ability to adapt! (An immense superpower.)

If your 15-minute meditation is shortened to 3 minutes because you slept in or your child woke up early, that also still counts!

See everything new as an experiment. 

Whenever we try to incorporate something new into our lives, there are a lot of potential unknowns, like how long it might take or how hard it might be.

If something doesn't work out, consider it a data point, and adjust your next attempt, modifying the intensity or trying a different approach altogether.

For example, imagine you start running as a form of weekly exercise. Unfortunately, it doesn't feel great, but you stay aware & curious:

"My shins aren't loving this. What if I tried something low-impact the next time I work out? I wonder how doing this 20-min Pilates workout will make my body feel."

Taking an experimental approach will not only diversify your experiences, but you will also learn so much more about what energizes you.


What is an important habit you've been having a hard time maintaining in your life?

Is the habit getting lost in a sea of other priorities? Is there no Plan B? Or are you too rigid on what this habit “should” look like that you won’t try anything new? Use the principles above to diagnose the problem!


The results we desire come from the cumulative effect of practice.
Use Momentum Metrics to do (or not do – if you're breaking a habit) ONE thing every day this week.

If you miss one day, let yourself off the hook. Try your best to not miss twice! 🥳 🦾

If you feel inspired to share with the Momentum community, send us a screenshot of the habit metric(s) you’re working on in 2024, and we‘ll feature it in an upcoming newsletter!


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Jan 22. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Jan 29. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Monthly Goal-Setting Workshop
Wednesday, Jan 31. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here  


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If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team