#91: Overwhelm

Happy Monday! šŸƒ

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less. This weekā€™s issue explores how to rewire yourself to deal with daily stress and overwhelm more effectively.

In this weekā€™s newsletter, weā€™ll cover:

  • āš”ļø Quote of the Week: Overwhelmed? Fixating on the future is a slippery slope.

  • šŸæ Momentum Tip of the Week: Hereā€™s a way to be productive even when youā€™re super distracted.

  • šŸ‘¾ Reader Q&A Spotlight: Our very first Q&A šŸ„¹ ā€“ check it out!

  • šŸŒŽ It's All Good (News): New IRS tax filing program makes doing your taxes free (and easier) in 12 states, new blood test targets colon cancer early, and the first American woman to circumnavigate the globe solo.

šŸ—“ This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentumā€™s weekly workshops for free!


Take a deep breath in. You're at the helm of a sailboat. The sky swirls with shades of gray and black. The air feels electric and tastes salty.

Like the stormy sea, overwhelm can be all-consuming. Yet, as the captain, you have agency.

You can adjust the sails, reducing the surface area of your responsibilities to get centered. You may find a safe harbor, a place to anchor and wait out the worst of the storm.

When we stay conscious during mental turmoil, we emerge stronger and more capable on the other side.

*Add photo to your dashboard by going to Settings (gear-shaped icon in the lower left-hand corner) > Photos > +Add Photo. Donā€™t have Plus? Start a free trial here!


"The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present."

ā€“ Eckhart Tolle

Feeling overwhelmed or stressed often pushes us to think about the future. This habit comes from believing we can reduce this anxiety through thought alone.

Beyond reasonable preparation, excessive worrying doesnā€™t actually make us feel better nor does it ensure a good outcome. All it does is rob us of energy.

The key to the most fulfilling future is fully engaging with the here and now ā€“ whether it's the work we're doing, the people we're with, or even the sensations we're experiencing.

Next time overwhelm hits, zoom into your current experience, and invest your energy in the richness of the present.

By focusing on creating a good present, we set in motion a series of positive ripples that can shape the direction of the future.

Test this approach again and again.

Over time, you'll build natural confidence in your ability to handle future moments as they come up.


  • "If you take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves." ā€“ Maria Edgeworth

  • "Life is a preparation for the future, and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none." ā€“ Albert Einstein

  • "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." ā€“ Corrie ten Boom

*Add mantra (or quotes) to your dashboard by going to Settings (gear-shaped icon in the lower left-hand corner) > choose Mantras or Quotes > Add Mantra/Quote. Donā€™t have Plus? Start a free trial here!


The Secret to Unlocking Your Full Potential Is Understanding Your Brain

Ever marvel at the likes of Taylor Swift, Richard Branson, and or Oprah, and wonderā€¦"Where do they find the energy? And how do they get such amazing results?ā€

It's not just luck or even talent. They are aligned with their brain type.

Your Unique Brain Type is how youā€™re wired to see the world and process information, and what youā€™re naturally good at.

When you understand your specific Brain Type and your strengths, you unlock your capacity to design your life for better, happier, more productive days.

Discover your Brain Type in less than 2 minutes and unlock personalized insights about yourself!

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Hey Momentum readers! We're thrilled to roll out a fresh, interactive section ā€“ Reader Q&A Spotlight!

This weekā€™s question:

"How can I create and maintain a *playful* approach in an interaction that feels stressful (like in a challenging work meeting, or when expressing vulnerable feelings in a romantic relationship I care about)?" ā€“ J.

Dear J,

Navigating through daily challenges like those you've mentioned can often feel heavy (the opposite of playful!) This constant pressure saps our energy, joy, flow, easeā€¦All the good stuff.

Consider the following 2 strategies when you encounter something stressful:

First, the ā€œzoom-outā€ technique. Picture the stressful moment on a timeline of your life. Ask yourself: Will this matter tomorrow? In a week? A month? This broader perspective alone renders a surprising number of our worries irrelevant, reducing their weight.

Secondly, instead of fixating on what we want the outcome to be, prioritize the process, or more specifically, how you want to feel during the process.

Ask, "What will happen if I had fun preparing for this presentation?" "What if I was proud of myself no matter the outcome?"

Observe what unfolds when your primary goal is to prioritize a certain feelingā€”playfulness, curiosity, ease ā€” over achieving a specific outcome. Then, reflect on the experience: Was the outcome as bad as you feared, or did you find yourself more capable and creative when you allowed yourself to feel differently? (Prepare to be surprised.)


Hit reply on any newsletter, or send an email to [email protected].

You can use your real first name, a pseudonym (fake name), or simply be anonymous. Even if we don't answer your question next week, it might be the highlight of a future issue!


Sometimes when we're overwhelmed or busy, doing deep work isnā€™t the most attainable.

Even if your mind feels like a pinball machine, there's still a way to make progress. All you have to do is move intentionally.

Consider the "start & switch" technique.

NOTE: This is perfect for when there's a bunch of tasks youā€™d like to get started on, but don't need to finish immediately!

  1. Jot down your tasks in Today's to-do list.

  2. Click "..." on your to-do list, and turn on "Top Task." This allows your task in the center of your dashboard to automatically switch once you've checked it off.

  3. Start Focus Mode. Decide what a "short" amount of time is for you and set it for your Pomodoro. This isnā€™t about finishing; itā€™s about making a start and giving it your all until that timer dings.

  4. When the timer runs out, tick the task off (yep, even if itā€™s not done!), and boom - Top Task swings you into the next one.


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder. āœØ


Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, March 18 at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Coworking with Katy
Tuesday, March 19 at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Focus Habits Workshop
Wednesday, March 20 at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 


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If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team