#86: Executing With Ease

Happy Monday! ☀️

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less. You have a vision for creating something cool…Now what? This week’s newsletter explores mindset tips that will help you navigate your new project with flow & ease.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • 🏹 Mantra Breakdown: Working on something exciting? Don’t hold on too tightly.

  • 🌈 The Art of Doing: 3 uncommon techniques to get past common productivity blocks.

  • 🤖 Momentum Tip of the Week: The quality of output is dependent on the quality of input.

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): EU plans to cut greenhouse emissions by 90% by 2040, a promising anti-aging drug for dogs is in the works, and 3 students crack an ancient code and split $700K.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


Imagine a steady sailboat gliding towards the horizon. Its course is shaped by skillful hands, yet it remains subject to the whims of the tide. While we may choose our direction, our path is influenced by forces outside of our control.

Breathe deep, expanding your abdomen.

Gripping your vision lightly, the small spaces between your fingers leave room for mystery and opportunity.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!


Point your arrow, and let it flow.

When we first embark on a goal or project, we typically have some type of vision in mind. Sometimes it’s fuzzy. Sometimes, if we're fortunate, clarity strikes.

So, we begin our journey.

Sooner than later, we encounter obstacles. It’s not long before the original concept feels like it's evaporating before our eyes.

This is when we need to physically relax and surrender to the external forces we couldn't have anticipated.

We don't need to have everything figured out. The mysterious evolution of our project is what elevates our vision beyond what we simply made up in our heads.

The journey becomes infinitely more exciting when we allow space for the unknown to blend with our original idea.

When we stop resisting reality, we learn significantly more about what the opportunity wants to teach us. The experience takes on another dimension.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!



Silvi here. I have a love-hate relationship with health topics, in that I’m obsessed with learning about it, but I hate making sense of seemingly contradictory information in the space.

10almonds is an oasis in a sea of noise. It's a health & wellness newsletter I've consistently been reading for almost a year. Why it's fantastic:

  • It's one of the most well-researched health & wellness newsletters I've ever come across.

  • It manages to distill complex studies into simple takeaways without forgetting to answer “So what?”

  • Any mundane/tedious health topic is surprisingly entertaining to read

  • It's helped my well-being in countless ways, from incorporating specific supplements (like ashwagandha) to adjusting how I eat & exercise.

If you're on the lookout for a health & wellness newsletter that truly delivers (and makes you chuckle), 10almonds is pure gold.


Working on a self-driven project can be one of the most gratifying experiences. In that same vein, it can also be one of the most challenging things we set out to do.

Often, one of 3 mental blocks holds us back. Here's how to breeze past them.

Losing motivation? Create a “vision voice note.”

Our initial reason for starting something new can grow fuzzy over time. Instead of letting our original thoughts collect mental cobwebs, reconnect with them!

Use voice notes on your phone to refine your “why.” When uncertainty resurfaces, you can create additional voice notes, giving your motivation permission to evolve and catch fire once again.

Why talk out loud? Most of us tend to be a bit more relaxed and immersed in our train of thought when we're talking than when we're writing.

Stuck on something? Create negative space after a deep focus session.

Circling the same problem over and over? Make a conscious effort to not think about the problem any longer. Get out of the house, and gaze at the clouds. Wash the dishes. Whatever you do, give your brain room to breathe! (This means opting out of any stimulation – not even audiobooks or podcasts!)

Pro tip: Move your body, taking care to breathe deeply throughout. Upregulating your breathing releases stale thoughts, making room for new insights and neural connections to form.

Is your perfectionism draining your energy? Pretend to be your “assistant.”

​​When you know what you need to do for a new project but it feels tense or heavy, permit yourself to take off the “owner” hat. Put on the "assistant" or "experimenter" cap.

As the "assistant," you are experimenting and exploring. The burden of being original or right is no longer a factor. Don't know what to call your new blog? Use Ask AI to brainstorm 20 different options.

Your job is to create options – brainstorm, make stuff up. You can even write "bad" first drafts.


Have a new important project you're working on? Note these 3 techniques below on a sticky note somewhere (or your Notes app on your dash!)

Need to press reset on your motivation? Press record, and talk it out.
Can't figure it out?! Breathe deep or go cloud-gazing!
Is perfectionism squeezing you? Put on your “assistant” cap.


It's never been easier to get unblocked when you're hard at work.

Easy first step? Pose your problem to Ask AI.

The key to receiving an insightful response is being as specific as possible. Communicate the situation much as you would to a friend or mentor.

Some high-value examples:

STUDYING SMARTER: "What are the most effective study techniques for mastering complex subjects like organic chemistry?"

APPLYING SMARTER: "How can a student preparing for interviews at companies like Google or Apple, for a software engineering internship role, best demonstrate their coding skills and problem-solving abilities?"

WORKING SMARTER: "How should I structure a customer feedback loop for a new smartwatch product, ensuring feedback from the first round of beta testers directly influences the product before the next testing phase?"


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Feb 12 at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Coworking with Silvi
Tuesday, Feb 13 at 8 a.m. EST | Register here 

Declutter Your Mind Workshop
Wednesday, Feb 14 at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 


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If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team