#82: Deepening Inner Peace

Happy Monday! ☀️

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less.

New beginnings like the start of a new year can bring excitement and its less welcomed sibling, anxiety. This week, we’ll revisit the concept of inner peace, what it is (and isn’t), and how to rewire some common behaviors that keep us from experiencing it.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • 🧠 Mantra Breakdown: If you have “conditions” that need to be met to feel calm & peace, then that’s not real peace.

  • 🙏 Stress Management: Are any of these common behaviors a blind spot for you?

  • 🤩 Momentum Tip of the Week: Our biggest launch yet (!), this feature will transform how you focus from task to task.

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): A once-notorious city embraces tranquility, a vigilant dog sniffs out danger, and a study raises questions about the healing power of perception.

🧠 THIS WEEK: Want to start the new year with better focus, the opportunity to win an iPad & FREE access to coworking sessions?

Join our (first ever!) Momentum Focus Challenge, starting right now through Friday, January 19th, 2024.


Photo by Gorgo

Take a deep, deep breath. Exhale all the busy thoughts. Repeat.

Like the lake at the Banff National Park in Canada, the natural state of the mind is still.

The weather may generate wrinkles on the surface, but the lake always comes back to a place of clarity.

When we face rippling anxieties for the future, we can let them go, and breathe into the tranquility of the present moment.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!


Peace only exists in the present.

When we're overwhelmed, we make the common mistake of using our thoughts to feel security or comfort. We hope that what we take in from the mind will assure us everything is and will be alright.

Very rarely do we feel better by doing this, and if we do, it’s largely temporary. That’s because our minds are hardwired to solve problems and keep us alive, not make us feel a certain way.

As a result, when we seek peace through our mind, our mind can only create hypotheses:

"Life will finally calm down when I hand in this project.” “I’ll only be okay once I’ve made sure that doesn’t happen.”

The conditions we set are fleeting. Once one challenge is over, another quickly takes its place.

Unconditional peace is never achieved this way.

Inner peace emerges only when we leave the past and future, and immerse ourselves in the present moment.

In times of anxiety, this mantra helps us rewire our attention away from the mind and back to our immediate environment. The sensations we’re experiencing in our body.

The present is the only place where true peace exists.

With practice, you can intentionally create this safe space for yourself anytime.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!

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Inner peace is not something we achieve by doing or thinking more. Rather, it is attained by letting go of "disruptors" (maladaptive habits, thoughts, or coping mechanisms) that take us away from the present moment.

The following are mental blocks & ways to release them, so you can feel unconditional peace no matter what you’re facing:

Mindless criticizing and complaining.

Something was said or done that you don’t agree with.

One mindful strategy is to pause and reframe the event. Find the good in it. For example, if your boss gives you feedback you don't agree with, you could find gratitude in the fact that they care enough to help you improve, or that they've given you more clarity on a potential blindspot. Almost always, there’s an opportunity to be grateful.

If changing your thoughts doesn’t jibe with you, you have the option to simply let go. Here are some fantastic strategies for leaving your mind (with some added benefits):

  • Physical exercise helps release tension built from self-created resistance inside

  • Meditation dulls and distances us from the edge of our negative emotions

  • Journaling helps us gain a deeper understanding of what triggers us

Habitual busyness.

When we rush through our routine, it's very hard to channel inner peace.

Be proactive, and give yourself enough time to be present.

One powerful way is to wake up half an hour earlier than usual, especially if you usually leave little time to get ready.

Another good anchor is going slow at the start of any task. If we think and move intentionally, we are more capable of holding onto calming energy throughout the entire day.

Juggling too many thoughts & plans.

Our brain is an incredible tool, but as author David Allen once said, “Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”

If you don't have an outlet for the projects, tasks, and errands on your plate, they’ll keep popping up, distracting you from the present moment.

So adopt a system. The simpler it is, the more likely you'll keep up with it.

Maybe it’s a pad of paper at your desk or a whiteboard. Maybe it’s the simple Notes or to-do list on your Momentum Dashboard. Use it to declutter your mind, and create more space for calm & focus.


What is your biggest inner peace "disruptor"? Do you get easily irritated? Do you live in the future or your endless to-do list? Choose one mental block to focus on, and incorporate one of the practices mentioned above.


Do you feel your focus starting to break as soon as you’ve cracked open your laptop?

Imagine having a ritual that eliminates distractions, empowers you to zone in on the (single) task at hand, and sustains your mental energy throughout the day.

This is why Momentum created Focus Mode.

With one click, you're ready to go.

No digital distractions. No disruptive noise. No confusion about your next task.

It's perfect for work that requires deep focus (think creative brainstorming, studying, or strategic planning) and helps you breeze through repetitive tasks like emails and admin faster.

The best part? All Momentum users get one complimentary hour of Focus Mode every day, which means you can try it right now for free. (Plus users get unlimited Focus Mode!)


Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Jan 15. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

2024 Goal Setting Workshop
Monday, Jan 16. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here  

Vision Board Workshop
Thursday, Jan 18. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here  


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If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team