#81: Making Goals Fun

Happy Monday! ☀️

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less. This week’s theme is about approaching goal-setting with a light, fun, and curious grasp.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • 🎯 Mantra Breakdown: Does goal-setting feel stale? This mindset shakes things up.

  • 🌈 Goal-Setting: The secret ingredient you’re missing that takes goal-setting to the next level (in a fun way).

  • 🧠 Sponsor of the Week: More awareness about how your brain works is the key to unlocking your potential, and it’s free!

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): Japan reaches for the moon, a long-lost letter finally lands home, and CRISPR targets genetic frontiers.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


Take a deep, grounding breath. In the quiet stillness of the morning, observe a bird as it takes flight, wings painting strokes of freedom across the sky.

Instead of being burdensome, your goals can also be wings that lift you. Each goal can bring you closer to the joy of flight, the thrill of soaring to new heights. In the process, you embrace the wind, the sun, and the vast expanse of the sky.

Set goals that feel like a natural extension of your being, goals that invite you to glide with the winds of your passions, and explore boundless possibilities.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!


Every goal is an opportunity to play.

As we grow wiser, we come to the following realization: Achieving goals on its own won't equate to a deeper sense of fulfillment. Nor will "doing" ever be a sufficient replacement for self-worth.

(Aside: As we've explored in previous issues, wholeness comes from within. It's retraining ourselves to believe that we are inherently okay and complete, independent of external circumstances or achievements.)

That said, getting rid of goal-setting is a bit counterproductive as well.

After all, goals are just tools. How we use and relate to them makes all the difference.

When approached with a light and curious grasp, goals have the power to make us:

  • Expand beyond our comfort zone

  • Encourage a deeper level of engagement with the world

  • Enhance our capacity to unlock joy and fun

Imagine a world where the outcome of a goal is irrelevant, and the process of pursuit is where the true treasure lies.

Imagine setting goals not as must-achieve milestones, but as pathways to diverse experiences, unlocking new skills, and joyous discoveries.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!

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Even the best-intentioned goals can feel more like chores than exciting experiences.

Often, we set goals because we feel we need to. "Once I achieve X, I'll be happy, healthy, or complete." We use the end to justify the means, even if the means aren't inherently exciting to us.

With a bit of creative reframing, we can infuse the goal-setting process with fun and intrigue. Here's how.

  1. Start by jotting down the goals or intentions this year.

  2. For each goal, ask yourself: "Does this excite me, or does it feel like just another task?" If it's more the latter, consider how you can transform this goal into something that unlocks joy.

What you're doing is turning a need-based goal into a fun-driven one. Here are three examples to guide you:

  • Before: "I will learn how to use the digital illustrating app, Procreate."

  • Goal Glow-Up : "I will use Procreate to draw my corgi sleeping in her favorite position."

[This reframing turns a task into a playful project filled with personal meaning and joy. What's meaningful to you?]

  • Before: "I will read 24 books in 2024."

  • Goal Glow-Up : "I will read 10 highly captivating books in either the mystery or sci-fi genre."

[Here, the focus shifts from quantity to the excitement of exploring genres that are naturally attractive to you.]

  • Before: "I will only eat out once a week."

  • Goal Glow-Up : "I will experiment with 3 new recipes this month around my favorite ingredients at home (e.g., squash, sweet potatoes, chickpeas)."

[This transforms a restrictive goal into an adventurous culinary journey.]

Notice how specificity plays a crucial role in these examples. Specific goals are easier to visualize and therefore more motivating. It narrows down a generic sea of possibilities into something tangible and alluring.


Take 5-10 minutes to transform your goals with elements that spark passion and joy. If you reply to this email with your favorites, we'll share an inspiring few with the rest of the Momentum community.


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Jan 8. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Jan 15. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

2024 Goal Setting Workshop
Monday, Jan 16. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here  


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If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team