#78: Dissolving Holiday Stress

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Happy Monday! 🙂

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less. This week’s theme is about lifting holiday stress by slowing down and doing less.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • 🌳 Quote of the Week: Understanding this truth will change how the outside world affects you.

  • ☯ Make Life Simple: What to hold onto and what to let go of before the holidays.

  • ✔️ Momentum Tip of the Week: Parties. Potlucks. Presents. There’s a place for all of that, and it’s not in your head.

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): COP28’s new deal is a first, Wyoming woman melts hearts with snowy art, and saiga antelopes bounce back.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


Inhale deeply, allowing the crisp winter air to fill your lungs. Follow with an (even longer) exhale. The winter sun descends in Austria, casting a warm hue against the snow.

Sunset invites a gradual transition from day to night. Similarly, we can embrace the natural ebb and flow of our vitality. Amid the seasonal rush, let your inner self speak louder than the external demands of the world.

As the last rays of sunlight kiss the mountaintops, we can be grateful for each glimpse of beauty we catch, no matter where we are.

Inhale once more, drawing in the serene energy of the moment, and exhale any tension that may linger.

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“Nothing external to you has any power over you.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

While this season can be an exciting time, it can also lead to burnout because there's more "going on."

More deadlines. More events. More opportunities. Your expectations for yourself may also be higher because of how much you perceive everyone else is doing.

Even if the outside world picks up doesn't mean you have to take more on.

One of the most empowering beliefs is realizing the extent of power you have over how you feel.

That doesn't mean you won't have external pressure, or you won't be triggered by the outside world. But you ultimately choose how you respond, if at all.

Putting on your blinders or simply saying no isn't a defeat.

Recognizing that you are the subject in the story, the one choosing the path and setting the pace for your life, that's the most impactful truth you can come back to again and again.


  • Work lightly; breathe easy.

  • Doing less invites more bliss.

  • My pace is powerful.

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There's a lot of advice on how to navigate the holidays, and a great deal is around the idea of balancing self-care with indulgence.

Moderation is key, but what does that really look like?

Here's how to personalize your approach to balance over the next couple of weeks in a healthful yet fulfilling way.

There are 3 habits we'll focus on:

One habit you're adding to your routine.

One existing habit you'll hold onto.

One habit you're letting go.

Add a habit that gives you energy. It might not be a habit that's usually in your routine, but when you do it, it's immensely helpful in giving you an energy boost, whether it's physically or mentally.

Ideas: Getting in a morning walk, adding a 10-minute meditation in the afternoon, or turning off screens an hour before bed.

Keep one comforting habit. This habit is already established and helps stabilize you. Even when your schedule is chaotic or you're traveling, it provides a comforting sense of normalcy without being a hassle to do.

Ideas: Drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning, reading 10 pages, or spending quiet time with yourself.

Be extra lenient with a "nice-to-have" habit. Choose a habit you can either modify or put on snooze during the holidays.

Perhaps it’s inconvenient, or you’re deprioritizing it during this time. For one person, it could be being flexible about your workout schedule or diet. It could be shortening your morning routine to spend quality time with your family.

Of course, you don't have to fully eliminate this habit. Simply giving it some preemptive thought will allow you to adjust your expectations, and reduce any subconscious guilt if it doesn't get done.


In your favorite notes app, write out one habit that will give you more energy. (Be specific about the habit: Instead of saying get more sleep, try "get into bed 15 minutes earlier.") Next, choose one non-negotiable (existing) habit that centers you. Lastly, choose one habit you can adjust or skip altogether!


When it comes to work tasks, using to-do lists is second nature. When it comes to life admin though, we let these one-off tasks clutter our minds.

A busy headspace ≠ a happy place.

Create custom to-do lists (all kinds!) to organize your thoughts. Start adding them, and you'll see how satisfying it is to have everything in one place.


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


Weekly Planning (Most popular!)
Monday, Dec 18. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

2024 Goal Setting Workshop
Wednesday, Dec 20. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 

Vision Board Workshop
Wednesday, Dec 27. at 11 a.m. EST | Register here 


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If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Brought to you by Silvi, Katy, Chandler, Levi, and the Momentum team