#53: Setting Better Boundaries

Happy Monday! 🙂

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less. This week's theme is setting boundaries.

Setting boundaries is an essential part of pursuing genuine well-being and growth. Unfortunately, saying no is often fraught with confusing emotions like doubt and guilt. This week, we'll redefine setting boundaries and discuss how to confidently approach it professionally and personally.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • ☁️ Mantra Breakdown: Setting boundaries isn’t just saying no.

  • 🕊 Mental Wellbeing: This is why setting boundaries is difficult for most people.

  • 🌎 It's All Good (News): An unlikely pair of BFFS, a paralyzed man uses his brain to walk, and a NASA-powered plane that could help reach net zero emissions.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


You're standing amidst a lush garden in Madrid, Spain. The air fills with the sweet scent of flowers. As you go inward, you weave an imaginary fence of healthy boundaries around you, creating a safe space. This fence is not meant to isolate, but to define your own landscape, allowing you to flourish and blossom.


I am choosing inner peace.

For many of us, setting boundaries feels risky. A double-edged sword. Saying no can come with feelings of guilt or fear of judgment.

Consider this: Setting boundaries is more than saying no to a dinner party, a commitment, or an extra work project.

It's a deliberate decision to not take on other people's thoughts and feelings as your problem or responsibility. It's understanding that the intentional space grounding us, helping us grow, and live more authentically... That space needs safeguarding and nurturing.

Sometimes a little. Sometimes a lot.

By doing so, we are prioritizing our inner peace, a sacred sanctuary where we are free to commit to our well-being, values, and personal growth.

Choosing yourself can feel rebellious, but it can also be the most transformative act of self-love.

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Here, a Momentum team member will share a cool thing, tool, or concept that helps them experience more fun, flow & ease throughout the workweek.

"Having conversations about certain topics, especially when emotions are involved, can be challenging, to say the least. About a year ago, I came across this cool resource page. Talking Points for Life covers a wide range of sensitive subjects, like how to respectfully disagree with a boss or decline a request for money. This specific page provides you with helpful words and phrases to draw and defend your boundaries. It's definitely worth bookmarking!"

Chandler P.


Setting boundaries is not something that comes naturally (or comfortably) for most of us. It can be hard to trust when we need them. And when we do finally express our needs, it's easy to backslide into self-doubt and guilt.

The following guide helps you deeply explore and overcome the emotional currents that make setting boundaries difficult. Go through each step, reflect, and act in alignment with what you need.

STEP 1. Identify a scenario(s) you're saying yes when you want to say no.

You feel immediate regret taking on an extra project. You say yes to events even when you experience annoyance leading up to them and mild relief when they’re over.

What situations leave you feeling drained or disempowered?

STEP 2. Figure out what's misaligned.

Why is your inner guidance saying no?

Let's say your default response at work is yes. What issues is that causing inside of you? Perhaps you value a level of spaciousness in your day, and this extra request throws a wrench into your schedule, making the rest of your day stressful.

In the personal realm, you may notice a family member tends to ruminate on the negative, and, while you care for this person, it impacts your headspace when you see them too often.

Taking this step to figure out why you don't like something clarifies not only what you want less of, but what you care about, such as your values and intentions.

STEP 3. Consider what’s keeping you from saying no. 

The tension between Step 2 (what you really want) and Step 3 (what you're afraid will happen if you go with your heart) is the cause of the dissonance.

The resistance could be fueled by perfectionism (My best isn't enough / I don't deserve to say no), social conditioning (What will people think if I say no?), or a fear of missing out (What will I miss out on if I don't go to this thing?)

Just recognizing the emotional forces at work makes us more capable of releasing fear-based resistance and acting in spite of it.

STEP 4. Set hard or soft boundaries. 

The time for drawing the line is now. Try setting stricter boundaries for the foreseeable future ("hard" boundaries), e.g., not checking your emails after 8 p.m. Hard boundaries relieve you of the extra energy it takes to decide whether or not to do a certain thing.

There are also boundaries that may change depending on your time and energy ("soft"), like generally spending most of your Sunday evenings at home.

(Note: These are just examples; your boundaries will and should look different!)

STEP 5. Visualize setting (and reinforcing) the new boundary. 

Imagine getting a request to do something that isn't aligned with your values or priorities. Now visualize saying no to that request, extra project, social event, hangout, commitment, etc.

Keep in mind: You don't necessarily owe an explanation. Your response can be as simple as "No, I’m afraid I can't take that on." Or "I won't be able to make it, but thank you for the invite!"

Run through this as many times as you need for it to feel natural, devoid of inner resistance.


If setting boundaries is challenging for you, set a time (~30 mins) to work through this exercise. Journaling through Steps 1 - 4 will give you a lot of clarity on what to focus on, what you value, and what's keeping you from protecting your time and energy.


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Lastly, we want our newsletter to add to your peace of mind, not take away from it. If this newsletter ever becomes too much, we encourage you to unsubscribe. We’ll always appreciate the time we had together. 🥲