#33: Flow & Ease At Work

Happy Monday! 🙂

Welcome to Your Monday Moment, a weekly newsletter that helps you get centered and build momentum for the week ahead. All in 10 minutes or less.

Experiencing more flow and ease during our workday is something we all strive for. Many believe this is only achievable if certain conditions are met: projects go as planned, people act the way we think they should, and our minds do exactly what we want them to.

But what if you could experience a constant stream of ease & enjoyment all the time? Let's explore how that's possible.

In this week’s newsletter, we’ll cover:

  • 🪨 Mantra Breakdown: Easy does it, but how do you make it easy?

  • 🌊 Work/Life Elevation: The no-fail way to rise above your work stress.

  • 🧘🏻‍♀️ Question of the Week: The simpler you make it, the better.

  • 🌎 It’s All Good (News): A wind-powered cargo ship, a 10-year study identifies what slows down memory decline, and solar panels you can’t see.

🗓 This Month: Want to master your focus and strengthen your deep work muscle? Click here to access Momentum’s weekly workshops for free!


The sun beats down, casting a warm glow upon your face. As you swing back and forth, the world around you fades, and you're consumed by a sense of inner peace. It's a feeling that can be found anywhere, not just on a beach.

Take a deep breath. Find the bliss in each inhale. Life is not meant to be taken too seriously.


The path from hard to easy is through acceptance.

The overwhelm that comes from a seemingly impossible task is uncomfortable, so we procrastinate. The confusion that comes from dealing with a new challenge must mean that something is wrong, so we doubt ourselves and deepen our frustration.

What makes work "hard" is not the work itself. Our relationship to the emotions that arise is the true source of our suffering. That discomfort is coming from our resistance inside.

What if instead of resisting when tension arises, we choose to relax? What if we believed that feeling our frustration is a true mark of progress? A sign that the brain is working hard behind the scenes to make the necessary neural connections?

Next time you're faced with a difficult task or situation, try accepting it in all of its complexity. The moment we stop avoiding the “hard” stuff is when we can start approaching all challenges with a sense of ease.

*Don’t have Plus? Start a free trial here!


Here, a Momentum team member will share a cool thing, tool, or concept that helps them experience more fun, flow & ease throughout the workweek.

Building a "Second Brain"

"Every year, I bombard my poor brain with 4-5 things I’m obsessed with. This year, I’m into learning Japanese, digital illustration, and Buddhism.

I started reading Tiago Forte’s book, Building a Second Brain, and realized this was exactly what I needed to organize the noisy (and ambitious) part of my brain.

Tiago has created a mindful system that helps you organize and develop random bits of valuable information using one system: Your ‘Second Brain.’ This helps you free your actual brain to create more, evolve your own brilliant ideas, and simply be present... I’ve already started designing mine on Notion. If you’re interested, here’s how to choose the right note-taking app for you.🤓"

Silvi D.


Most work is far from a cakewalk. The fires that need putting out, the pressing deadlines, the disagreements that arise within a team... Even your own mind will have mental hang-ups that might stall progress on a project or a report you’re writing.

Here's the thing though: Work doesn't have to be a breezy experience for you to feel a constant sense of flow & ease.

That higher energy is caused by something within your control: How you choose to respond to external events. Changing your response requires deeper awareness and a little bit of intentional rewiring. Here's how.

STEP ONE. Make inner peace your primary objective. 

To resist the (very human) impulse of getting swept up by everyday stressors, we need to redefine our definition of personal success. Redefine it around what you have control over: Staying grounded despite discomfort or uncertainty.

Set the intention first thing in the morning. Use a mantra like: "I can handle anything," "Relax & release any worries," and "I am always okay." You'll find that when you stay centered, you're the most equipped to perform at your best (and enjoy the process along the way!)

STEP TWO. Deepen your self-awareness with meditation.

Starting your day with a 10-minute meditation helps us settle the mental dust that work tends to kick up. Through this practice, we become increasingly aware of the "distractors" or "triggers" as they're coming up instead of after.

This allows us to press pause and make the right decision at critical points. Like the moment you want to check your email when you really mean to start writing. Or jumping to (unhelpful) conclusions after reading a stressful work email.

Catching yourself at these moments is essential in maintaining a relaxed focus, and you can’t do that without regularly practicing self-awareness.

STEP THREE. Invite this ease into your work. 

Transfer the awareness you cultivated during meditation over to your first task.

The key is to start smaller and slower than you think. Get clear on what task you're focused on, and set a timer for 15 minutes. During this time, release any expectations about what the work should look or feel like. Let yourself acknowledge any confusion, frustration, or doubt without allowing it to derail you.

STEP FOUR. Check in, and recalibrate as necessary. 

Just a couple of minutes is all we need to check in and reflect on the following: How do I feel? Am I still on task? Can I make my task more easy and specific?

STEP FIVE. Recenter repeatedly. Keeping this intention of maintaining inner peace is not like flipping a switch. We need guardrails that bring us back whenever we fall off. Take a deep breath, and relax where you feel tension. Come back to this step as many times as you need.


Begin your day with an intention or mantra to stay centered: Put it on your Momentum Dashboard; stick it on a Post-it on your laptop, or set it as a reminder on your phone.

Follow with a short meditation. If you’re new to the practice, start by focusing on your breath for one minute this week. This is how it all starts! 🙂


What practice can I do for one minute each day to feel more calm?


Here are a few stories that may spark curiosity and wonder.


If you have any friends who could use a Monday pick-me-up, please share this newsletter with them! If someone sent this to you, sign up here to get the next Monday Moment.

Lastly, we want our newsletter to add to your peace of mind, not take away from it. If this newsletter ever becomes too much, we encourage you to unsubscribe. We’ll always appreciate the time we had together. 🥲